Thursday, February 23, 2012

Keyword Article Writing: the Key to Your Success!

Ready to jump on the keywords section of the process? Billions of companies are using keyword articles to the exhibition for free on the internet to get. Whether you are marketing a product or Netpreneur freelance writer looking for work, chances are that you can a lot of articles by keywords.
Why a keyword? The point is "recognized". Internet users around the world in search of information. How to find them? In the same way you do this, they enter some words in a search engine. If you do not do these things in your content, someone else ... and then your drive is lost in the copy of the other. Help them find ... by keyword!
Never write keyword articles? Do not be afraid. This process is not very different than writing an ordinary article. Let inexperience stop you from enjoying the content keyword rich. Follow these simple instructions to write keywords, and ready to block a certain number of copies of a great article!
A. Learn the terminology. Each sector has its own jargon. If you have experience in a specific topic, chances are that you know these conditions and you do not need to read a book. If there is a relatively new problem for you, do some research. Read four or five different sections to get an idea of ​​the terms used and most popular sub-categories for the industry. Let me give you an example. Let's say that your article will focus on ... Keyword search. Some keywords can be the keyword, "keyword articles" keyword "Web Content" rich "web article" RSS feed ", keyword writing." How do I know? Not because I do a keyword search. I know how to read many articles! Reading is a great way to catch phrases and terminology to load. You can short, without trying to spoil yourself!
Second Writing articles, regardless of the button. Do not bother to write key words on the article that you close the first time. Write, period. Keep the flow going, you make sentences with no particular mind to word choice. Chances are good that if you know what you're talking about, says the key is to come into balance, of course, as you write. The keywords sneaky surfers tend to occur in exactly the right thing without realizing it you slide!
Third Choose your keywords. After your first draft is written, you can focus on include your keyword list to the full text. Sit down with a pen and paper (or a blank document if you wish) and write the words that you frequently in the industry you cover. Imagine if someone Internet search for your topic. What words and phrases they could enter the value of field research? Do not forget the search terms that contain two or more words. Words such as cooperation and will be quoted when someone typed in the search box. Suppose you have an article on email marketing letters. They include words such as "drop-down list" and "e-mail newsletter" to name just two.
4th Evaluate the popularity of your keywords. Find out how many sites looking for a specific keyword, Overture Keyword Selector Tool. The tool is free and available via this link: Type a word and press Enter. The higher the rank, the most popular word, and most likely you want to use in your article.
5th Choose keywords that are specific not general. Let's say I write an article on a charge of negotiating with a freelance copywriter. My goal is also very popular words associated with a particular topic, not just the general category of texts. "Freelance copywriting rates' is the key word is much easier to use because it can be anything, in fact, that when the user in finding information." Freelance Writing, "on the other hand, is more general and thus will be thousands of higher rank of your site. Bury your items are there to find a way ... Yes, some solid as you can!
Analyze the sixth text keywords. Compose your article is complete and the keywords you selected. Now they are composed. Scan the copy of an article for the first index. Got it? Great! If you know your stuff, you know how to slip a few keywords in a place without him.
7th "Find and Replace". Imagine that in your article on writing, you can "write" the word a few times during the piece. It was not a serious problem in one way or another, but "copywriting" is the term of choice among marketers and advertisers. The result is that one of the keywords. Find where the word "writing" or "writer" and substitute "texts" and "lyricist". To do this, for each keyword and keyword phrases. You may need to rearrange a few sentences again, but that should not be a big problem.
Review your eighth article. Now that you've added keywords, this product may vary slightly from its original form. A thorough reading errors, please correct if necessary. Check your spelling, grammar and words repeated disagreements. Hey, he said the words over and over again? Yes, keyword in the article, a good writer should try to vary his vocabulary. Your article should be keyword rich, not boring and repetitive!
9th Write keyword-rich titles. Why should I wait until the end of this article include the title? To the best minds tend to the author at the end of the process of writing and research. With all this talk about keywords, you must be prepared to write powerful titles!
Keyword article headlines waste time. Get to the point with a title, three or four keywords most popular at the beginning, not the end. Allow me to criticize an article from my own collection. Title: How can I negotiate rates with an independent editorial staff. I admit, this head better. Why? "The agreed price" is not a keyword that someone typing into a search engine. "Freelance writing," however. A better version of the title: "Freelance Writing: How to negotiate the price." If only I could turn the words, the title is a web ranking much more robust and more research. You never stop learning!
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